The Coach House Visitor Centre at St Dogmaels Abbey


Tel. 01239 615389

Hapus i Siarad - Happy to Talk

Hapus is Siarad is a fun and innovative way to provide Welsh learners with opportunities to practice conversationally in everyday situations. It matters not whether you only know how to say " Shwmae" (casual hello) or have a full understanding of the nasal mutation in Welsh, Hapus i Siarad allows you to practice with confidence. The theory is simple, all the shops and businesses that agree to be a part of this initiative will display the logo and on the appointed weekend their staff will wear traffic light colour coded badges, red for non Welsh speaker, amber for learners and green for proficient Welsh learners and native Welsh speakers. Nervous learners know that by wearing the badge that person has agreed to respond in Welsh to the day to day enquiries of the Hapus i Siarad shopper. In turn the shopper will know at a glance the level of proficiency of the person with whom they are opening the dialogue. Research has shown that often Welsh learners are unwilling to initate conversations in Welsh because their level of competence may be misjudged by the recipent, this simple iniatiative removes the risk of mistaken expecation. Equally as important, it makes speaking Welsh in an everyday situation fun.



Monday 10:00-4:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 3.00
Wednesday 10:00-4:00
Thursday 10:00-4:00
Friday 10:00-4:00
Saturday 10:00-4:00

Entry to the Abbey is Free but donations to the charity are always welcome.


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